The school year is almost over! Summer break is just around the corner. I am sure my children’s teachers are counting down the days just like I am.
I am very appreciative to these teachers for all of the hard work they put into their classrooms each and every day. I know that they put up with so much during their workday. They are underpaid and overworked, and they deserve to know how much they are appreciated!
With that said… As much as I wish I could give them each a huge, expensive gift at the end of the year, I just can’t swing it.
Another option that I see parents take is the cute, crafty gifts at the end of the year. Full disclosure: I have been that person before. I love crafts and teachers! So many great ideas are out there. Don’t get me wrong. If you can be the parent who loves to shower the teacher with gifts and crafts, do it. I’m sure your teacher will be grateful.
This year, however, I am not going to buy an expensive gift or craft up something special. I am going to find ways to show my gratitude with smaller Tokens of Teacher Appreciation. These are not expensive or crafty, but I think the teacher will know that I appreciate all of the hard work that goes into teaching my child.
Tokens of Appreciation
- -Start with a cute card from your child! I prefer to have my children make cards for their teachers. I make sure they include examples of why they loved the school year and that teacher. You may want to Talk it Out first! You want the teacher to be impressed with the word choice and mechanics of the card. Cute pictures help as well!
- Send in a sincere thank you card from you. Hand write a card to the teacher. Don’t make it generic or cheesy. Just like your child, include specific examples of how this teacher made a difference in your year. Let the teacher know that you put time and thought into what you were going to write. You’d be surprised at how far some specific praise and appreciation can go in the hearts of teachers.
- Tell the boss! Last week I saw an administrator as I was leaving the school. I stopped her to brag about how pleased I was with something my daughter’s teacher did that day. I let her know how appreciative I was of this teacher, and how happy I was to have her in Belle’s life this year. So many parents go right to the administration to complain, but how many take the time to make an appointment to brag?
- VOLUNTEER!! There are so many things a teacher needs to do at the end of the year. Ask if there is anything you can help with. Offer to volunteer in the classroom or cut out projects at home. I don’t think I have ever offered to help in a classroom and been turned down. There is always something to do!!
- Give a smaller gift with thought behind it. Do you always see a coffee cup in your teacher’s hand in the morning? Get a little gift card to the local coffee shop. Does your teacher have a child? Get a couple movie ticket gifts from your local movie theater. Maybe your teacher has a sweet tooth. Grab some cookie coupons from the local bakery. These small gifts don’t cost a fortune, but show that you were paying attention to what the teacher likes in her “real life.”
- Let your child make a gift. There are so many craft ideas here on Fantastic Fun and Learning and the web! Let your student create a picture, photo frame, fish, necklace, wind chime, or anything that they think the teacher will like. Maybe the teacher has a favorite sports team, and your student wants to create a small collage of images/stickers for the teacher to hang in her room. Let your child lead the way!
There are so many ways to thank the people in your child’s life! You can be expensive, crafty, or thrifty. What ever it is you decide, please take a moment to make it sincere!! Teachers do the best that they can with the resources and experience they have. Find a way to let them know that their hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed.
This post has been shared at some of these fantastic link parties.
Natalie PlanetSmartyPants
I admit that this year I am less than inclined to give gifts to a teacher since it’s been a rather disappointing year, but I love your ideas for “heartfelt” gifts. Thanks for sharing with After School Link Up!
Sarah @ MePlus3...Today!
Hi there, just stopping by from the Mom’s Library link up. These are some really nice ideas! I have a lot of friends who are teachers and they’ve told me that getting a thank you note any time during the year just makes there day! So I am sure your child’s teacher will feel the same way about the tokens you give! Have a great day!
Shaunna Evans
Thank you, Sarah!
Mary Catherine
Love it! To me, the best teacher gifts are those from the heart. A meaningful thank you card from the kiddos and the family always means the world to me!