Yesterday I told you we’ve been having a bit of fun with Pixy Stix. After making our scented homemade paint we had a lot of Pixy Stix leftover. So we set out to see what else we might do with them, other than eating. While pouring and playing, we came up with this simple and fun process art activity that is great for kids of all ages.
If your not sure what process art is or you want to know a little more about it, I highly recommend you read this phenomenal article about process art from Fun-A-Day.
For this activity you’ll need watercolor paper or heavy cardstock (something that will absorb the water without tearing apart), Pixy Stix, and a spray bottle filled with water.
Place your paper on a tray or work surface wear it can stay to dry. We used a cookie sheet. Set the paper out with the Pixy Stix and spray bottle and invite kids to create.
At first Lovey tried to make a design by pouring her Pixy Stix. But soon she decided to just pour and combine the colors in a more abstract way.
Once kids are done pouring the Pixy Stix the creation with water. It works best if they spray a mist and watch the sugar and paper absorb the water. Lovey really liked how the scent of the Pixy Stix intensified as she sprayed more water.
Let kids spray as freely as they would like. Some kids will spray just a bit and others will drench the whole paper. Using just a bit of water will create a more vivid piece of art. A lot of water makes more of a puddle, but remember this is process art for the kids to make discoveries and observations on their own. It isn’t about the end product.
If you are worried about kids using way too much water, then you can provide water bottles that only have a little water in them.
If you are able to leave the piece to dry, then that will keep the colors from smearing. However, if you have to move it to free up the work space, then move slowly and carefully.
This is Lovey’s finished artwork. She liked feeling the texture left behind once it was dry. She also spent some time observing the different shades made as the colors mixed together.
Who knew one pack of Pixy Stix could inspire so much playtime? What fun activities have you tried using Pixy Stix?
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