We love using a favorite picture book as the springboard into various learning activities. This month the The Virtual Book Club for Kids is reading books by Laura Numeroff. Will you be joining in and reading along with us? If so, here are some fun resources and activities to go along with some of her books.
The official Laura Numeroff site is currently being redesigned, but check back soon for new features and an updated kids’ section.
Resources to go with the “If You Give…” Books
On the MouseCookieBooks.com you’ll find book activities, games, songs, and printables to go along with the “If You Give…” series. You’ll also find an “If You Give…” series teaching guide with over 40 activity ideas.
Making Learning Fun has a collection of free printables to go along with many of the “If You Give …” books.
Elementary age kids can use this writing unit from Adventures in Mommydom to write their own “If You Give…” stories.
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Activities to go with If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
Cookie craft and free printable preschool pack from A Little Pinch of Perfect
Fine motor “cookie” craft from Books and Giggles
Free printable unit from ingles 360
Free printables, activity ideas, and other resources from Hubbard’s Cupboard
Tot school activities from The Preschool Experiment
Activities to go with If You Give A Moose a Muffin
ABC Muffin Game from Not Just Cute
Preschool lessons from Wheel n Deal Mama
Hot Chocolate Banana Muffins Storybook Recipe from Growing Book by Book
Preschool and kindergarten activities from Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas
Activities to go with If You Give a Dog a Donut
Donut sandwiches from Super Healthy Kids
Comprehension activities from Teaching with Haley
Don’t leave your actual dog out of the fun! Try this dog donut recipe from Sunny Day Family.
Activities to go with If You Give a Cat a Cupcake
Adorable crafts and learning activities from Spell Outloud
Cupcake felt set from At Home with Natalie
Mixed media cupcake collages from Laugh Paint Create
Activities to go with If You Give a Pig a Pancake
Literacy and math activities from Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas
Paper pancake art and other pig activities from Katherine Marie
These are only a handful of the books by Laura Numeroff. What other favorites do you have? Would you add any activity suggestions to this list?
If you’re interested in joining this month’s book club, here’s what you need to do…
- Pick your favorite book by Laura Numeroff (or a new one you want to check out) and read it with your child or class.
- Create an activity, project, craft, cooking project, etc. related to the book and do it.
- Come back and share it with us as part of the Laura Numeroff blog hop on Monday, January 13th! The linky will be live for 3 weeks, so if you aren’t ready to post on the 13th… just join in when you can!
And even if you don’t join in, I hope you’ll spend a little time reading some books by Laura Numeroff this month.
Stop by and check out some of the other blogs that participate in The Virtual Book Club for Kids.
I plan on doing these, thanks!
I love the idea of expanding the learning from these books. Fantastic! Thank you for this!
Thanks for including my printables in this amazing list of resources!
The Preschool Toolbox
Great post! Our kids love Laura Numeroff and now we have some new activities!
Shaunna Evans
Thanks! There are so many great Laura Numeroff books to choose from. I’m glad you can use some of these activities.