The girls love creating with cardboard. Around our house there are stacks and shelves of re-purposed items that have gained new life as mini playhouses, sculptures, hats and more. When I heard about the new Kix™ box with special characters and shapes for creative play, I knew we’d have fun with it. Today in this sponsored post I’m sharing one of the projects the new design inspired.
The new Kix™ box design, available exclusively at Target right now, is part of a larger initiative by the company to encourage kids’ imaginations and inspire creativity. The Regular flavor box theme includes jungle characters and punch-outs, while the Berry Berry flavor is a colorful ocean theme.
We had fun looking over the Kix™ Storybox website to see some of the other creations and ideas for using the box pieces. And since we also love small world play, we decided to use the Regular flavor box punch-outs to create our own jungle small world.
We started by painting the inside of an old clothing gift box with a folding lid. Lovey painted the bottom green and the top blue.
Then we punched out some of the pieces from our box. Lovey wanted to make the giraffe shown on the box, but she wanted to paint the pieces (she never misses a chance to paint!). She decided to paint one side yellow, but then decided not to add any brown spots in case she wanted to use the pieces for another creation sometime.
While those pieces were drying Lovey cut up some green tissue paper to make grass for our jungle. Then she wanted to add some jungle trees to our small world design. We made them with leaves cut out of craft foam, craft sticks with flat ends, and glue. Later we discovered that some of the extra punch-out pieces from our box made great tree stands for the base of the trees, and we used them to help the trees be freestanding in our small world. We also cut out a few similar shapes from the remaining cardboard on our box to make additional bases.
In the blue sky Lovey added a foam sun and cotton ball clouds.
Once all the materials were dry it was time to play! Both Tinker and Lovey have had fun acting out stories in their pretend play mini jungle, and they can’t wait to buy some more Kix™ so we can make more of the featured characters and creations. It’ll be neat to see what new structures the girls come up with next!
And when you’re done creating your own characters you can also take them on some online adventures, via the Kix™ Adventures online storybooks. This is one of the added features I really love!
Don’t these look fun? Which theme would you and your family try first, the Regular jungle theme or the Berry Berry ocean theme?
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