Hickory Dickory Dock is a story and rhyme that has been told for generations. I can still remember nights being tucked in to this silly little rhyme. This time, we are doing something a little different with these stories! Build on the traditional Hickory Dickory Dock rhyme with these fun new stories! This Hickory Dickory Dock Book List includes books that are great for comparing and contrasting as there are new retellings or the same classic tale for you to pass down to your kids. We’ve also included books about telling time and books about mice so that you can add in even more fun and learning along the way.

Classic Hickory Dickory Dock Books
Hickory Dickory Dock by Kelly Caswell
In this retelling of the story Hickory Dickory Dock, the mouse is but one animal to climb the clock.
Hickory, Dickory, Dock (Charles Reasoner Nursery Rhymes) by Charles Reasoner
Hickory, Dickory, Dock is a charming version of this mouse-filled tale.
Hickory, Dickory, Dock (My Little World) by Tiger Tales
Your kids will love hearing the classic story Hickory, Dickory, Dock in this book.
Hickory Dickory Dock by Keith Baker
This vibrant retelling of Hickory Dickory Dock is the perfect way to hear this story anew.
The Completed Hickory Dickory Dock by Jim Aylesworth
The Completed Hickory Dickory Dock tells the story of what happens after the clock strikes one.
Sing Along With Me! Hickory Dickory Dock by Yu-hsuan Huang
Sing Along With Me! Hickory Dickory Dock turns this classic rhyme into a sing along that your kids will love.
Book About Time
The Clock Struck One: A Time-Telling Tale by Trudy Harris
In The Clock Struck One: A Time-Telling Tale, we’ll learn what happens when the clock strikes two in this math filled adventure.
Just a Second by Steve Jenkins
Just a Second will help teach your kids about time in an easily digestible way with this book.
Time Is When by Beth Gleick
Time Is When will help answer the question your kids have been asking “what is time?”
All in a Day by Cynthia Rylant
All in a Day illustrates all the possibilities that can happen in just a single day.
Around the Clock by Roz Chast
Around the Clock will make counting time so much fun while learning about different antics each hour.
Maisy’s First Clock: A Maisy Fun-to-Learn Book by Lucy Cousins
Learn about time or just have a great time in the story of Maisy’s First Clock: A Maisy Fun-to-Learn Book.
Books About Mice
National Geographic Readers: Squeak! by Rose Davidson
Learn more about mice and other rodents in Squeak!: 100 Fun Facts About Hamsters, Mice, Guinea Pigs, and More.
Squeak’s Guide to Caring for Your Pet Rats or Mice by Isabel Thomas
Extend the learning by learning more about mice and how to care for them in Squeak’s Guide to Caring for Your Pet Rats or Mice.
Clock Learning Toys
The Learning Journey: Early Learning – Hickory Dickory Dock Clock
Hickory Dickory Dock Clock will help your kids learn time and is a great extension activity of the fun rhyme.
Multifunctional Clock Learning for Kids
Learn all about telling time with the help of this Multifunctional Clock.
Learn about shapes and telling time with this Yanhan Clock.
This 183-page nursery rhyme lesson plan pack also includes:
1) Hickory Dickory Dock nursery rhyme pages (in color and b/w)
2) Hickory Dickory Dock nursery rhyme readers (in color and b/w)
3) Retelling Pieces (in color and b/w)
4) Sequencing Pieces (in color and b/w)
5) Retelling Wheel (in color and b/w)
6) Pocket Chart Words
7) Sentence Sequencing Strips
8) Letter/Sight Word Hunts with Answer Keys
9) Nursery Rhyme Card and Retelling Stick Templates (in color and b/w)
10) Bottle Top Clock Numbers Counting Activity
11) Counting to 12 Clock Sequencing Activity (in color and b/w)
12) Guess Who Ran Up the Clock Circle Time Game
13) Measuring Time, Morning Afternoon and Night (in color and b/w)
14) Mouse Number Line Number Sense Activity (in color and b/w)
15) Mouse Patterns Activity
16) Would You Like a Pet Mouse? Survey Response Sheet and Writing Activity (in color and b/w)
17) Rhyming Sort, Rhymes with Clock or Ran (in color and b/w)
18) Mouse Path Tracing Strips (in color and b/w)
19) Typical Day Sequencing (in color and b/w)
20) 26 Real Photographs
Also available on Teachers Pay Teachers.
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