Easy marshmallow science experiments and ideas for playful learning and fun with marshmallows.
Whether you’re going camping, planning a camping theme for school, breaking out the hot cocoa and marshmallows for winter or just looking to have fun with marshmallows, there’s a lot of fun to be had! Along the way you can also weave in a lot of learning opportunities that are perfect for curious little scientists.
Marshmallows are great for science experiments and learning activities because:
- They are inexpensive
- They are packed full of opportunities for sensory exploration and discoveries
- They are small and can be easily divided up for large groups of students
- Kids love them!
These activities can be done any time of year. They tie in very well with camping theme and winter theme activities.
Personally I like to incorporate them into our five senses theme and also focus on the letter M as we are doing these activities. Kids will definitely remember the /m/ sound when they think of all the fun they had learning about mmmmmarshmallows.
Marshmallow Science Activities to Try
Marshmallow Five Senses Science Exploration
The very first investigation I like to do with marshmallows is a five senses exploration. Here we take our time observing and using all five senses as we look, listen, smell, touch, and of course taste marshmallows. This is a great way to discuss rich vocabulary words and set the stage for future marshmallow activities.
Read the full article: Exploring Marshmallows with the Five Senses
Marshmallow Science Experiment 1
For our next science investigation children design an experiment to see what happens when they put marshmallows in liquid. They also test to see if the type of liquid makes a difference.
Read the full article: Marshmallow Science Experiment
Marshmallow Science Experiment 2
Now that children are familiar with the concept of dissolving from experiment 1 we add in a bit of math as we invite kids to sort marshmallows by color. Once we’ve done that kids test to see what happens to clear liquid when we add our sorted marshmallows. They LOVE the rainbow that emerges from the dissolved marshmallows.
Read the full article here: Marshmallow Science Experiment 2
Marshmallow Sensory Play
Still have marshmallows left? Try this super simple sensory play idea!
It even works if you have marshmallows that got all sticky and squished up in the bag (I’m sure I’m not the only one that happens to!).
Read the full article here: Marshmallow Sensory Play
More Fun with Marshmallows
Marshmallows can also be used for literacy and art activities. Below are a couple more ideas we’ve tried as part of our marshmallow theme.
Marshmallows also make great manipulatives for literacy activities. We did a few M is for Marshmallow Letter Recognition Activities and used marshmallows to build letters. We also created a letter M craft with marshmallows and integrated some valuable fine motor practice along the way.
Fun-A-Day has a great painting with marshmallows process-based art activity.
If you’re feeling a little brave, you might even try painting with your own DIY marshmallow paint. It’s messy, but a very neat puffy paint sensory experience.
When you can’t build a fire, try making these grilled S’mores from Look What Mom Found.
Love songs? This free printable song is fun to sing with marshmallow activities in the winter months.
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