I mentioned briefly during last year’s advent activities that we love to buy new Christmas pajamas every year as one of our Christmas traditions. This year as part of a sponsored post for Collective Bias ® I’m excited to share a little bit more about our Christmas pajama traditions.
Choose Your Christmas PJs
Before you can enjoy all the fun holiday activities in your new pajamas, you’ll have to decide who gets to choose the Christmas jammies. You could:
- Go out shopping together as a family and choose them.
- Purchase them ahead of time and surprise everyone.
- Shop online (together or on your own)–so far this has been my choice, and I’ll explain why.
First I love the convenience of shopping online, and I purchase as many Christmas gifts and items online as possible. When I started researching Christmas pajamas, I found the features and tools on the Shop Your Way site very useful. With the SYW rewards program you also have access to coupons and earn reward points to save money on future purchases. My favorite feature is the ability to create catalogs. It came in particularly handy for choosing our Christmas pajamas.
I decided that I wanted the girls to choose their own pjs this year, but I wanted to narrow down their choices a bit to keep the task from being too overwhelming. By creating a catalog I was able to pre-select a few different options for the girls to choose from.
Later we sat down together, opened the online catalog I created, and they chose the pajamas they wanted. They chose the Christmas Snowman and Snow Girl pajamas, and I adore them! They are both very cute and cozy.
Then I was able to order them online and have them shipped to us. Easy peasy!
Give the Christmas Pajamas Early
In many families the tradition is to give Christmas pajamas on Christmas Eve, and the first year I had children that is what we did. However, in my opinion those cute little reindeer pjs didn’t get quite enough wear that first year.
So instead we now begin our advent activities on December 1st with a little gift bag that includes our new Christmas jammies and some other festive holiday things that I’ve collected for the season. This year’s gift bags also included a new Christmas ornament, holiday hand soap for the girls’ bathroom, Christmas coloring books, reindeer headbands, and Christmas cereal.
Share the Warmth
With the great prices on the Shop Your Way site I was able to buy our festive holiday look for less than I had budgeted, so I thought it would be nice to go ahead and buy two extra pairs of Christmas pajamas to donate to a local family in need. The girls were so excited to deliver the pjs, knowing another child would be enjoying some cozy new pajamas for the holidays. This will definitely continue to be one of our holiday traditions in the future.
Have a Hot Chocolate Taste Test
Another tradition the girls look forward to is our annual hot chocolate taste test. One night during December we put on our Christmas pajamas and make some hot chocolate. We buy different flavors and also raid our baking cabinet for fun treats to mix in. They love tasting the hot chocolate after we’ve melted chocolate chips and stirred in candy canes. Then we snuggle up for stories or a movie while we drink our hot chocolate creations.
Read Bedtime Stories
My personal favorite tradition is possibly the most simple. I absolutely love digging out our collection of Christmas stories and reading together in our Christmas pjs as often as we can. I have pictures of me reading with the girls in our Christmas pajamas every year, and I love looking back at them. It’s both a reminder of how much and how little has changed over the years.
This year has been a bit different, because Lovey is beginning to read. I still read to them each night, but Lovey also reads at least one story to Tinker and me each night. It is so sweet to sit and watch her read to her little sister and retell some of our favorite Christmas stories in her own words.
She gets so excited when she asks Tinker a question and she guess the right answer. Here they were giving clues and guessing which animal would be on the next page of the story.
And in our house story time usually evolves into a bunch of sister silliness,
and lots of sister snuggles.
Enjoy a Family Holiday Movie Night
Throughout the month of December we also plan a couple of family movie nights. We usually take our baths early and get dressed in our Christmas pajamas. Then we turn all the lights in the house off except our Christmas decorations and the television. With warm blankets and a big couch we snuggle up together to watch a Christmas movie.
Make Your Christmas Party a Pajama Party
Many schools have a pajama day sometime in December, so it can be great to use your Christmas pajamas for this event. If you’re hosting a kids’ Christmas party, you might invite your guests to wear their favorite pjs. We haven’t done this yet, but I’m guessing my kids would love it!
Christmas Eve Light Tour
Our final Christmas pajama tradition is on Christmas Eve. Just before bedtime we dress the girls in their pajamas, pour some hot chocolate, and head out to see all the beautiful Christmas lights one last time. Not only is it wonderful to spend the night together, it also usually helps the girls fall asleep. With a little luck, we’re able to scoop them out of their car seats and transfer them to their beds, avoiding the frenzy and reluctance of Christmas Eve bedtime.
Then they wake up in their Christmas pajamas on we’re ready to begin our Christmas morning opening presents together.
Do you buy special Christmas pajamas for your family? What are your Christmas pajama traditions?
Follow SoFabConnect’s board ThisisStyle on Pinterest.
Disclosure: As mentioned above this post was part of a sponsored post for Collective Bias ®. I was compensated for sharing our family Christmas pajama traditions and how we get the look for less as part of the Baby It’s Cold Outside! Christmas Jammies & Traditions the searsStyle Way! campaign. All opinions and cute kids are my own. 😉 #ThisisStyle #cbias
For more information about searsStyle visit their website. Join in the conversation on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
This post has been shared at some of these fantastic link parties.
Kelly Rood
We go and watch a movie and eat Chinese food (only thing open) for lunch in our pjs.😂😂
Shaunna Evans
Such a fun tradition!
Nicole Elliott
Oh my soul!!! This post is so beyond adorable that I seriously want to wrap it up in a bow! Love it! The jammies you chose are precious, your ideas are amazing and your girls are a DOR able! 😀 Love it!! #client
Shaunna Evans
Thank you SO much, Nicole! We had so much fun choosing our jammies, and we’re loving our Christmas traditions this year.
Jenn Rian (Coolest Family on the Block)
I love hearing about other family’s tradition!
Our Christmas Eve pajamas have been a favorite tradition in our family long before the children were born. My sister and I used to receive new Christmas pjs every year and when I turned 21 I took over and began purchasing the pjs for my sister and myself, and also for our cousins and our husbands. Each year we take a bunch of pictures in ridiculous poses wearing our Christmas pjs!
We tried a movie night for the first time this year, but it didn’t go so well. My oldest is 4 and didn’t want to sit through the whole thing. Maybe next year!
Shaunna Evans
Oh, that sounds like so much fun, Jenn! Good for you for carrying on the traditions and keeping the Christmas spirit!
That is such a cute tradition and your girls look adorable in them. What a great idea to get them early so that they can get lots more use 🙂
Shaunna Evans
Thank you so much! We’re definitely getting a lot of use out of them this year. 🙂