Flowers are a wonderful part of nature that we can see on our dining room table, in gardens, on the side of the road and in the crack on the sidewalk. Whether you are planting a garden, fixing up your flower beds or picking flowers with your little one there is so much to learn about flowers, and reading flower books is a great way to supplement your learning. Below is a list of children’s books about flowers you can use as you and your little one learn about flowers.
Books About Flowers
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Flower Stories
Sidewalk Flowers by JonArno Lawson
In Sidewalk Flowers a little girl, in red, walks home with her dad through busy city streets. As the girl walks she begins collecting flowers and weeds that are growing in the cracks, she then begins giving out her flowers to people she passes. This wordless story is told through black and white illustrations, as the little girl gives out flowers the illustrations begin to fill with color. I love the story and how the illustrations change with each act of kindness.
Flowers Are Calling by Rita Gray
Flowers Are Calling is a beautifully illustrated book that explains which animals pollinate and which do not. The book is told through short text and water color illustrations
Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert
Planting a Rainbow is a simple story with bright and colorful illustrations young readers will enjoy. The book tells the story of a child and their mom as they plant and wait for their rainbow to grow. This book show seeds, bulbs, plants and is great for talking about colors. This book is also found on our Garden List.
What Does Bunny See?: A Book of Colors and Flowers by Linda Sue Park
What Does Bunny See? is a rhyming story about a rabbit playing in the garden and discovers different types of flowers. Each page shows a different color flower and names it. This is a great book for reading about flowers and learning colors.
The Flower by John Light
The Flower tells the story of a young boy who finds a book about flowers and is fascinated by the pictures. He then plants seeds and begins to see the magic of flowers in his world of concrete. This is a great story about exploring and planting.
Flower Garden by Eve Bunting
In Flower Garden a young girl buys a small box garden to give to her mother. The story is told with short sentences and colorful illustrations as she and her dad travel from the store to home. The story is great for little readers.
Lola Plants a Garden by Anna McQuinn
Follow Lola in Lola Plants a Garden as she learns all about gardening and eventually starts her own.
We Are the Gardeners by Joanna Gaines
We Are the Gardeners follows a family garden and everything the Gaines family had to do in order to make their family garden successful.
Nonfiction Flower Books
The Flower Alphabet Book by Jerry Pallotta
The Flower Alphabet features flowers from A to Z. On each page there is a short description of the flower. I love the illustrations for each flower and the boarder on each page. The boarder around each page gives extra information about where and when you might see the flower.
Parts of a Flower by Candice F. Ransom
Parts of a Flower is a great book to introduce little ones to the parts of a flower and how a flower grows. Each page includes a photograph of a part of the flower and short facts about the flower part.
A Little Guide to Wild Flowers by Charlotte Voake
A Little Guide to Wild Flowers is full of flowers you might see on the sidewalk, side of the road and in many other places. Information is given on flower parts and the seasons you might see them, plus additional details.
The Reason for a Flower by Ruth Heller
The Reason for a Flower explains how flowers are pollinated and grow. Throughout the book there are flower plants and other plants that create flowers. The illustrations are large, colorful and great for teaching little ones about flowers.
Flowers by Vijaya Khisty Bodach
Flowers is one of six plant books in the Plant Parts series; Roots, Seeds, Flowers, Fruits, Stems, and Leaves. The photographs are large and colorful. Facts about flowers are simple and short, this is a great book for preschoolers.
Mrs. Peanuckle’s Flower Alphabet by Mrs. Peanuckle
Mrs. Peanuckle’s Flower Alphabet combines flowers and letters to create a magnificent book about flowers.
I Can Grow a Flower by DK
Learn all about how plants grow with I Can Grow a Flower.
An ABC of Flowers by Jutta Hilpuesch
Use An ABC of Flowers to help learn your ABC’s with the help of these beautiful flowers.
Get a full week of playful flower theme ideas!
Save time and get right to the playful learning with our printable lesson plan sets. Each set includes over 30 playful learning activities related to the theme, and we’ve provided different versions for home preschool families and classroom teachers so all activities are geared directly toward your needs.
This pack includes editable lesson plans and hands-on activities for a week full of math, reading, & science learning activities about flowers and the plant life cycle. Watch this short video to see just a few examples of the types of activities and printables included in this set:
Get Your Lesson Plans
Also available on Teachers Pay Teachers
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