The preschool years are a time of exploration and discovery. They are also filled with learning a lot about what makes us unique individuals. Recently, I started working with my toddler on identifying and naming body parts and reading various All About Me Books. Today we’re sharing a fun all about me preschool science activity that will engage your little one through literacy, science, and hands-on learning. Check out the free printable resource too!
Materials for All About Me Preschool Science Diagram
- Kraft paper
- Pencil and Marker
- Tape
- Hand held mirror
- Body part printable (free resource link at end of post)
Getting Started
When introducing new topics to little ones, I like to incorporate a read aloud text that will establish background knowledge and encourage engagement. Prior to getting started with our activity, we read the book Eyes, Nose, Fingers, and Toes by Judy Hindley. This book is great for interaction and kinesthetic learning as it gets you moving to explore all the parts of your body. My little one especially loved wiggling her shoulders!
After reading the book, it was time to begin our all about me science activity. We began by tracing the outline of our body. I had my little one lay down on a long piece of Kraft Paper that I taped to the floor. I found it helpful to tape the paper down to prevent it from moving around or wrinkling. Using a pencil, I carefully and quickly traced the outline of her body. She got quite a kick out of this and was giggling and wiggling most of the time! Stepping back from the outline, she recognized it as her body and started to show me where the “smiley face” should go. I went back and traced over the pencil with a marker to make the outline of her body stand out.
Next, it was time to make up-close observations. We grabbed a handheld mirror and began to look at ourselves and make comparisons to what we read about in the book. As we identified and counted our two eyes, two ears, one nose and even more, we sorted and counted the printed body parts. If you would like to extend this activity for older preschoolers, you could record your observations in a journal and allow them to draw pictures of what they see.
Once we made plenty of silly and serious faces in the mirror, it was time to label the outline of her body.
In the preschool All About Me theme we use the body part cubes for a variety of activities.
For this activity I chose to cut the cubes apart to use them as separate cards. They’re very versatile!
Using the sorted body parts, I put tape on the back of each one as I handed it over to my toddler. She was excited to show me where it was on her own body and stick it on the outline. For older preschoolers you can introduce the vocabulary term “diagram” and discuss the purpose of diagrams and labels. This will help not only in science but also in writing as they begin to draw and label their own pictures and diagrams.
When we were finished, we hung the labeled body on the wall to display and refer back to throughout our learning theme. My little scientist loves to walk by it and point out the body parts!
We hope you enjoy this fun and interactive all about me activity for toddlers or preschoolers. It sure did keep my toddler engaged and excited to learn more about herself the whole way through! We built on what we learned in this activity and created our own sensory self portraits and favorites collage self-portraits, too.
Save time and get right to the playful learning with our printable lesson plan sets. Each set includes over 30 playful learning activities related to the theme, and we’ve provided different versions for home preschool families and classroom teachers so all activities are geared directly toward your needs.
Help preschoolers learn more about themselves and each other with this preschool All About Me lesson plan theme. Topics covered include body parts, facial features, family, and more.
Watch this short video to see just a few examples of the types of activities and printables included in this set:
This set includes active hands-on learning ideas and the following printables:
1) All About Me Emergent Reader
2) All About Me Number Cards
3) Body Part Sorting Cards
4) All About Me Shared Writing Template
5) Body Parts Activity Cube
6) Facial Features Activity Cube
7) Boy and Girl All About Me Roll and Color Game Boards
8) Boy and Girl Make a Face Activity Templates
Home Preschool All About Me Theme Lesson Plans
Preschool Classroom All About Me Theme Lesson Plans
All of our products are also available on Teachers Pay Teachers if you prefer to shop there.
Cant wait to use this for my preschool class!
I’m excited to use these with my new preschool students!