This month Karma Wilson is the featured author of the The Virtual Book Club for Kids. Will you be joining in and reading along with us? If so, here are some fun activities to go along with some of her books.
Karma Wilson’s official website includes information about each of her books, resources for parents and teachers, and news about upcoming activities.
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General Activities to go with the Bear Books
Bear Cave Craft, Math Game, and ABC Game from Fantastic Fun and Learning
Play Dough Bear Tracks from The Pleasantest Thing
Bear Claw Cookies from Duncan Hines
Activities to go with Bear Snores On
Free Bear Snores On Printable Pack from 3Dinosaurs
Shhh! Bear’s Sleeping: Fiction and Nonfiction lesson plan from ReadWriteThink
Preschool Literacy Lesson on ABCs and 123s
Activities to go with Bear Feels Scared
A Scared and Lonely Bear: Teaching Predicting from Teach Mama
Activities to go with Bear Wants More
Cause and Effect Freebie from Sarah’s First Grade Snippets
Language Activity and Free Printables from Elena Marie, SLP
General Activities to go with the Little Pip Books
Pine Cone Penguin Craft from Crayon Box Chronicles
Easy Circle Penguin Craft from Reading Confetti
Penguin Small World Play from Fantastic Fun and Learning
Penguin Fishing Color Recognition Game from Criss-Cross Applesauce
Feed the Penguin Counting Game from Fantastic Fun and Learning
General Activities to go with A Frog in the Bog
Simple Frog Small World from Fun at Home with Kids
Paper Plate Frog Mask from My Little 3 and Me
Frog Foot Painting from Coffee Cups and Crayons
Feed the Frog Counting and Fine Motor Practice from Kiwi Crate
General Activities to go with Mama, Why?
Polar Bear Mask from I Heart Crafty Things
Vanilla Polar Bear Milkshakes from Smart School House
Polar Bear Cupcakes from Coffee Cups and Crayons
Polar Bear Paw Measurement from Mrs. Patton’s Class
Arctic Small World Play from The Imagination Tree
General Activities to go with Animal Strike at the Zoo. It’s True!
Edible Zoo Small World from Fantastic Fun and Learning
Zoo Sensory Play on Fantastic Fun and Learning
Zoo Cookies from Ready-Set-Read
Draw & Build Your Own Zoo from No Time for Flash Cards
General Activities to go with Princess Me
Simple Shape Princess from No Time for Flash Cards
Princess Addition from Creative Family Fun
P is for Princess Printable Activities from Confessions of a Homeschooler
Fairy Princess Play Dough from The Imagination Tree
Princess Crown Craft with Printable from Learn Create Love
General Activities to go with the Calico Books
Cupcake Liner Cat Mask from The Craft Train
Cats Preschool Pack from 1+1+1=1
Cat Lunch from Eats Amazing
These are only a few of the books by Karma Wilson. What other favorites do you have? Would you add any activity suggestions to this list?
Anna@The Measured Mom
Wow, I had no idea she had written so many books — I guess we need to hit the library! Thanks for sharing this with us at After School!
Shaunna Evans
I didn’t either! I knew about a lot of them, but there were definitely a few sets that I didn’t realize were from Karma Wilson. Great discovery!
This is awesome. We love the “Bear” books in our family. Hoping to make some bear claw cookies this month, to go with Bear Snores On.
Shaunna Evans
Thank you! I can’t wait to make those bear claw cookies either.
Natalie F
This is a wonderful round up for Karma Wilson books! Thanks for sharing with Afterschool!
Jackie Higgins
Wow! This is a great round up. I love the polar bear activities. They’ll be perfect for this winter.
Jen aka The Mad House
We love doing activities linked to books we recently made a wig inspired by Oliver and the Seawigs
Shaunna Evans
Ooh now that sounds like a fun activity!
Kristi@Creative Connections for Kids
Love this resource! I think Karma Wilson is wonderful too. Pinned for future reference.
Shaunna Evans
Thank you!
Debbie @
I love the ideas! PInned it! Thanks for sharing at TGIF!
Kim @ The Educators' Spin On It
I can’t wait to read all of the books you’ve recommended with my girls and do the projects this month! Thank you for taking the time to put all of this together for your readers. Can’t wait to see what else is shared on November 11th!
Shaunna Evans
Thanks so much, Kim! It did take a while to pull the ideas together, so it means a TON that you and others are finding it a valuable resource.
The Preschool Toolbox
Love this author…love the suggestions! Great resource!
Shaunna Evans
Thank you so much!